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In her statement, Hatmaker said her family is “in a moment with no handbook and without a single clue how to navigate this privately, much less publicly.” She added that they “are getting away to retreat for awhile” and asked for privacy. 21, but the filing doesn’t disclose the reason. The Roys Report previously reported that Hatmaker, who’s been married to Brandon since 1993, filed for divorce in Hays County 22nd District Court in Texas on Aug. Please help protect us and keep us safe as we try to heal and rebuild.” Know that we are deeply surrounded by love and have not been alone a single second in two months. We have felt your prayers these last few weeks. I am shocked, grief-stricken, and broken-hearted,” she wrote.Īsking for prayers, she said, “Hold us so dear to your hearts. Although the details are ours alone, this was completely unexpected, and I remain stunned as we speak. On Sunday, the popular podcast host and mother-of-five shared the news in a lengthy Instagram post. | (Photo: Facebook)Īuthor Jen Hatmaker has asked for prayers after announcing she and her husband, Brandon, are divorcing - something the Christian author said was “completely unexpected” and has left her “shocked' and 'broken-hearted.” Progressive Christian writer Jen Hatmaker.

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