Free gay xxx rape stories

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So, since a lot of people are usually dominant in their “normal” lives, and so, love imagine being 'forced' into a gay sexual encounter. Sure it’s taboo, but I think I get the attraction to this fetish.Īfter all, most people who are dominant in real life, usually enjoy being the complete opposite in their sex lives. But I realize that some people are into that, and so long as no people, puppies, or kittens were harmed while making some spank material, I'll review it. Not into gay porn, let along stuff that simulates forced sex. Plus, I usually love imagining being the submissive one. Keep in mind, I’m not very big down under, so I don’t think you’ll ever catch me actually raping anyone. I need free gay rape porn sites! I want to see crying men being forcefully abused like prison bitches!Ah, my favorite genre.

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